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Author Fees |
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This Online Journal System is an online journal management system at the Transformation Education Foundation. Registered journals are journals published under the auspices of the Transformation Education Foundation. |
Author Guidelines
Works Cited
This section should follow the MLA style (latest edition). Please read the citation guidelines thoroughly while preparing it. All works cited in the text should be used in this section in alphabetical order.
Declaration of Originality
Each submission must be accompanied with a declaration: “The paper/short story/poem/book review entitled ………………… is my original work which is not published anywhere and has not been sent for publication anywhere else.” The declaration should be followed by the author’s full name or signature with date, current designation, full name of the department, full office address with postal code (PIN/ZIP).
Bio-note and Contact Details
A fifty-word bio-note of the contributor with brief career history should be provided followed by his/her name, current designation, institutional affiliation (full office address with postal code), mobile number and email address. Full home address with postal code should also be provided.
Other Important Information
- Authors should be careful regarding grammatical and typing error.
- Please mention the funding agency of your research, if your research has been funded by some agency.
- Before sending your paper, please confirm that it is checked for plagiarism and it is fully original.
- All authors should adhere to the academic ethics. There is zero tolerance for plagiarism. Please read and follow publication ethics available in “Promoting integrity in scholarly research and its publication.”
- Please do not send the same paper for consideration to another journal at the same time without communicating with the editor-in-chief or withdrawing it.
- Please do not send more attachments. Provide all requirements in a single Word File.
- Please go through some recently published papers in Journal Transformation Of Knowledge (JTK) and follow the same format.
- Submission and Publication Fees
There are no submission and publication fees for Journal Transformation Of Knowledge (JTK). There is a nominal membership fee of its parent organization.